Video Instruction

Create a test suite

create in menu bar

You can create a new test suite from the toolbar, in which case you need to create a path to save.

create in suite editor tool bar

You can also create a new test suite by click the button of case editor, in which case you need to create a path to save.

create in work space

The work space is associated with local file system,in which any changes about the cases such as create,rename or remove will be synchronized to the local folder.

Edit the test suite

activate test suite

Click the selected test suite to grey in explore, you can activate it to the Display Colum on the right.

choose test cases

Choose from the Case Lib to add test cases to the current suite with double-click.

You can remove,reorder the test cases in Display Column through the tool bar on the top,more details in suite tool bar.

run test suite

After the editing and saving of the test suite ,then you can click / to start/stop it.